Jan 25, 2023
Classification: [History]
We start the list of biggest nukes with a few honorable mentions, suitcase nukes, backpack nukes, and nukes stolen from Bethesda games. The we get into the meat of the episode, the top 10 most powerful nuclear weapons ever detonated by humanity. From Ivy Mike to Tsar Bomba, we cover the most...
Jan 17, 2023
Case #198: Becoming Death; The Birth of Nukes
Classification: [History]
Our layman’s introduction to nuclear weapons. How exactly do they “detonate”? What occurred in the $2 Billion-dollar Top Secret “Manhattan Project”? What is the anatomy of a nuclear explosion? And just what would happen if a nuclear weapon...
Jan 7, 2023
Case #197: Invisible Illnesses "You Don't Look Sick"
Classification: [Healthcare]
This Episode OVPOD talks about a group of Illnesses that are Invisible. The people who have these Invisible Illnesses may look healthy, but in reality, are sick. From Mental Illness to Multiple sclerosis, from Chronic Pain to Crohn’s...