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Occultae Veritatis Podcast - OVPOD

Mar 16, 2023

Classification: [History]

In 1950s, the Cold War was heating up, and Canada was desperate to protect its Northern Territories. The solution was to forcibly relocate indigenous people to the far north without proper food or shelter to act as human flagpoles. Join Ovpod today as we tell the Canadian story of sacrificing Inuit lives for geopolitical goals.

Lead Researcher:Leon Filger

Poison: Leon’s Uncles Dusty old Wine

Topics Mentioned: High Arctic relocation, Inuit, Louis St. Laurent, Prime Minister, Cold War, Arctic Archipelago, Soviet Union, Russia, indigenous, Resolute, Grise Fiord, Inukjuak, Ellesmere Island, Cornwallis Island, Pond Inlet, Nunavut, Eskimo problem, Eskimo, Hudson’s Bay Company, beluga whale

-Pallet Cleanser-

“Katajjaq from Hudson Bay”

Soria Eyituk and Lusi Kuni

Canada: Inuit Games and Songs