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Occultae Veritatis Podcast - OVPOD

Jun 20, 2021

Occultae Veritatis Podcast

Case #155b: Nuclear Waste Warnings
Part 2 of 2

We continue to answer the question, how will we warn the people of the distant future about the nuclear waste we create today? What will the waste vault look like? What messages can we send that will be understood? Join us as we finish up this...

Jun 13, 2021

Occultae Veritatis Podcast


Case #155a: Nuclear Waste Warnings


Part 1 of 2

In 10,000 years, English wont exist, our current warning labels will be irrelevant to the people of the future, and little of what we build now will remain. So how do we warn them about vast stockpiles of dangerous radiative waste? Join us...