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Occultae Veritatis Podcast - OVPOD

Nov 30, 2022

Here is a preview of our Patreon Bonus content that came out nearly a year ago. 


A collection of bloopers and outakes

Nov 25, 2022

OVpod's original four episodes about The Murder of Neil Stonechild released as 4-hour episode. Hear us cover this murder at the hands of our local police department, and the lack of justice that has happened since

Nov 15, 2022

Classification: [History]

Guest Presenter Rocky takes us on a journey of Myths, Legends, and Game Of Thrones commentary. We learn about ancient Greek and Roman mythology and learn how modern media still reflects ancient myths like a polished mirror

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Nov 5, 2022

Case #192: The Huronia Institution; 133 Years of Abuse


Classification: [History]


Guest Presenter She-Wolf tells us about a Controversial Canadian institution that had operated for over 133 years. Opening in 1875 as “Orillia Asylum for Idiots and Feeble-Minded”, it has become infamous for the abuse, neglect,...